The Seward County Republican Party met Monday evening with the purpose of reorganizing in accordance with state statute. After hearing and approving the minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer’s report, the next business at hand was the selection of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Current Chairman, Joe Denoyer, announced to the Precinct Committee Chairs that he was removing his name from consideration for Chairman position, then thanked everyone for their dedication and service over the past 3 years while he served as chairman. Denoyer then nominated Nathan Mcaffery for the Chairman position. Rick Yearick was also nominated from the floor for the position. After a vote of the Precincts, Mcaffery was elected Chairman by a vote of 10-8. Neither candidate was in attendance at the meeting.
For the Vice Chairman position, Vanessa Reever, current Vice Chair, announced she wished to not be reconsidered for the position. Tammy Sutherland Abbott, was then nominated, and with no opposition, became the new Vice Chairman.
Sandy Wolfram, the current Secretary, also desired not to be renominated, for the Secretary position. Mona Arredondo was then nominated from the floor, and again with no other nominations, will serve as Secretary.
When it came time for the Treasurer position, Stacia Long, current Treasurer, broke the trend of the evening and said she would serve as Treasurer again if nominated and voted in. Stacia was the only nomination for the Treasurer’s position and was voted in unanimously.
Several Precinct positions were also voted on and filled during the meeting.
The proper paperwork will now be filed with the State of Kansas.