Seward County Republican Party to Meet, Reorganize

The Seward County Republican Party will be meeting on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 6:30 pm.  The meeting will be held at at 515 North Washington, Seward County Administration Office 2nd Floor Commission Chambers, Liberal, KS 67901. Don’t forget to wear a mask, as it is required in all County Buildings.


The Seward County Republicans will be voting on the following offices: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The GOP  by law state that the Chair and Vice Chair must be of opposite sex.  

If you are interested in any of the offices but will not be able to attend, please let them know and they will let everyone know of your interest.

Also included is a  list of precinct committeemen/women that were elected in August along with a map.

At the meeting they will be appointing precinct committeemen/women in precincts that are not filled.

If you know of anyone who would like to be a precinct person please invite them to the meeting or let the Party know who they are so they can appoint them.

Here is a list of the Precinct Committeeman/women that need to be appointed:


1-1 Both

1-3 M (Tony Martinez would like to be appointed)

2 W

3 Both

4 W

5 Both

Liberal Township 2 Both

Liberal Township 3 Both

Liberal Township 4 Both

Fargo Township 1 Both

Fargo Township 3 Both

Fargo Township 4 M

Seward Township 3 Both

Here is a weblink to the Precinct map: