Seward County Commission met in a Special meeting Monday evening and ion the matter of the remodel of the new Seward County Fire Station, since none of the contractors who were ask to bid, could not meet the specifications in the bid, the project was halted at this time, and the CARES Act money budgeted for the project, was returned to the grant.
Also approved was the researching the Utilization of Public Relations Firms who can help provide outreach materials and educational pieces to keep communications with the public ongoing and reach the public in different methods.
On the subject of Compliance with the Governors Executive Order 20-68 of mandatory mask wearing, the Seward County Commission felt it would be problematic to enforce. Commissioners decided not to make mask wearing mandatory and residents shall not be required to wear masks. However, individuals and businesses are given the choice to voluntarily comply with the Governor’s Executive Order No. 20-68, should they choose.
Several CRF funding requests were also reviewed and approved.