The Seward County Republican Precinct Committee held a Special Convention to appoint a new Register of Deeds on Thursday at the Seward

County Administration Building. After nominations from the floor, candidate speeches, and a private ballot vote, it was Karen Warden who was

selected by the committee to take over for Cynthia Sallaska, who passed away earlier this month. Warden has been the Deputy Register of Deeds

for 17 years, and has worked in the office for 19 years.

Warden received 30 of the 39 votes cast. She was nominated by Dee Malin who also once held the Register of Deeds post. Other candidates nominated

were Jill Garinger who received five votes, and Vanessa Reever who received four.

Warden thanked the precinct members afterwards for their support. Warden will hold the position through the 2012 calender year. The position will be up

for election this fall.