With the releasing of the COVID 19 Test results as of 5:00pm Tuesday evening, positive results remain at 6 in Seward County. To date a total of 95 COVID 19 tests have been performed in Seward county with 6 being positive, 58 Negative, 26 results pending, 3 that were rejected by the KDHE and 2 outside Seward County that were positive. Rejected tests are tests that were performed outside the guidelines for testing or were damaged in shipment. Patients are retested when appropriate in these cases.
Stevens County has tested 32 individuals with 2 Positive cases, 28 Negative cases, and 2 pending.
Morton County has tested 10 individuals with 1 Positive case(who has recovered)
Haskell County has tested 10 people with 0 Positive cases
Meade County has tested 7 individuals with 0 Positive Cases
Grant County has tested 7 individuals with 0 Positive cases
Finney County has tested 110 individuals with 16 Positive cases and 1 CVID 19 related death reported
Texas County has reported 6 Positive Cases and 2 deaths.
Beaver County has 1 Positive Case and
Cimarron County has 0 Positive Cases
Statewide as tracked by the KDHE there are 1,426 Positive Cases, 12,721 Negative Cases, and 69 deaths related to the COVID 19 virus.
Statewide in Oklahoma as tracked by the OKDE there are 2, 184 Positive Cases, 26,085 Negative Cases, and 108 deaths related to the COVID 19 virus.