Seward County Commission to Meet and will Consider Mask Mandate and Gathering Size Limitations

The Seward County Commission will meet this evening at 5:30pm in the Commission Chambers of the Seward County Administration Building. Among the items on the agenda, Commissioners will be considering a county wide mask mandate and size gathering limitations.

The size gathering limitations proposed include nor more than 15 at a private residence indoor facility, 25 at a private outdoor residence setting, 50 at a public indoor facility, and no more than 100 at an outdoor public facility.  The Resolution does allow for certain exemptions such as political gatherings, religious gatherings, schools, funerals, etc. To read the proposed Resolutions and a complete list of exemptions, go to:

Also up before the Commission is the request to purchase a belly dump trailer for the Road Department and an LED sign for the Health Department.

Several CARES Act funding requests will also be considered at the meeting.

As always these meetings are open to the public, and comments are welcomed.