Seward County Commission to Give Clarification on the Relocation of the Rodeo Arena at Tuesday’s Meeting

The Seward County Commission will meet on Tuesday evening and will kick off the meeting with a Proclamation declaring February as Black History Month in Seward County. The Rodeo Committee will be before the Commission to discuss their plans for their 10th-year celebration of the PRCA Rodeo and to get a definitive plan for the relocation of the Rodeo Arena.

Planning and Zoning Board member attendance will be discussed with possible action being taken. Marty Bauer, Planning & Zoning Board Member, has missed more than three consecutive regular meetings and over 25% of the meetings in the calendar year. The Board of County Commissioners could declare Marty Bauer’s membership vacated and a replacement appointment to be made. The Planning and Zoning Board also has three – 3-year expired terms that expired on 12/31/2023. One – 3-year unexpired term will expire on 12/31/2025. There have been 5 applications turned in from Steve Merz, Devin Walker, Jairo Vazquez, Felix Vargas, and Monalicia Arredondo. The Commission will decide who receives these appointments.

The County sent out invitations to bid for a 2024 motor grader on December 20, 2023, with sealed bids to be returned to the County Clerk’s Office. These bids will be opened and considered by Commissioners. Bobby Wright will give a report to the Commission on road conditions in the County, and the Commissioners will consider the annual contract with Hay, Rice & Associates for the 2023 audit of Seward County, Kansas.

The Commission will review portfolio reports and make updates or changes as determined by the Board, the in the final agenda item, the Commission will appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2024.