The Seward County Commission met on Tuesday evening and at the end of the meeting, elected to retain Ada Linenbroker as Chair and Randy Malin as Vice-Chair.
Prior to the reorganization, the Commission approved Rural Fire Insurance for the County’s Volunteer Firefighters. This coverage provides $75,000.00 for a person to cover any accidental death or dismemberment they might suffer during a fire and $25,000.00 for additional medical bills. Cost of the Insurance is $3,553.00.
The Commission approved higher Cyber aggregate limits than the $250,000.00 which was in place. The new limit approved is at a $1,000,000.00 Aggregate for $12,527.00 additional per year over what was previously approved for the $250,000.00 limit.
The Commissioners Commissioners proclaimed February as Black History Month in Seward County, and tabled an engine rebuild for a 2005 Freightliner truck for the Road and Bridge Department pending warranty information from Ekkels Diesel Repair.
Also tabled was the Postage Machine for Administration Building and General Courthouse.
Seward County Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-02 which authorizes participation in the Rural Opportunity Zones Student Loan Repayment Program for 2022 and reappointed Marty Bauer to the Planning and Zoning Board.
The Commission approved the Portfolio Reports with a few changes and rescheduled the second meeting in February 2022 to February 22, 2022 due to the Presidents Day Holiday.