Seward County Commission Meets, Takes No Action on VFW Waiver Request

The Seward County Commission met on Tuesday September 5 due to the Labor Day holiday. Among the items on the agenda was a waiver of fees request for the Event Center from the Liberal VFW for a fundraising Gun and Knife Show. After discussion, the Commissioners took no action.

The Commission also tabled the Appeal of the decision of the Zoning Administrator. This item will be back before the Commission on October 16th. More information was needed.

Approved by the Seward County commission was the 26th Judicial District Reinvestment Grant and the Refunding of Hospital Bonds.

In today’s society, with social media being so prevalent, the County approved the archiving of Social Media posts to the County’s sites, as a point of reference for future needs. This could protect the County in possible future legal action.

Discussion items included Wide Awake Lane and property owned by Judy Williams.