The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening and review of scope of work and bids received for the Seward County Roofing Projects. The financial impact to the County could be between $963,446.00 to $1,434,035.00 depending on scope and projects throughout the three locations. This item was for discussion.
Commissioners considered a Request to waive the Seward County Zoning Regulations and Seward County Subdivision Regulations to allow for a lot split that does not meet the frontage and access requirements of the Seward County Zoning Regulations or the Seward County Subdividision Regulations. Commissioners took no action on this item.
Also approved was an agreement In preparation to provide a safe place for those that have no adequate place to quarantine or isolate, a Memorandum of Agreement with the American Inn, of Liberal KS. Seward County could be liable for up to 25% of the $43.00 per day cost of the room and all cleaning costs estimated at $200 per room. FEMA will re-imburse the 75% cost at some point. In addition some cost for meals may be required in some cases.
The Health Department has utilized this type of Isolation in some past communicable disease cases, so the Health Department is prepared to manage this task.
The Commission also discussed the posibility of holding events that are coming up on the calendar for County properties. The Commission approved suspending events at the Fairgrounds Complex until May 17.
Commissioners also approved and signed the engagement letter authorizing work with Jackson Lewis for the purpose of the Employment Policy due to COVID 19.
Commisioners approved hiring 2 Firefighters at the level 14 position.
A request was also made to waive property taxes due dates but due to Kansas Statute 79-2004, the full amount of property taxes are due on or before May 10th. Board of County Commissioners do not have the authority to change this date nor waive penalties and interest