Seward County Commission Meets, Closes out 2020

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening with several housekeeping items to close out 2020.

On the agenda, the Commission approved the Accounts receivable write-offs for the Health Department, approved the 2020 Fixed Assests, and approved Equity Bank, Sunflower Bank, Bank of Beaver City and Community Bank as Bank Depositories for the County.

Commissioners approved the Seward County Fire Department’s request to bid for two 4×4 pick ups for rural fire to replace the command vehicles. The last command vehicle purchase was 2015.

Commissioners also reviewed Resolution 2020-23 which concerns Public Access to County Buildings during a Public Health Emergency. The Commission decided to leave the Fairgrounds Complex closed, and will revisit the possible reopening of the buildings on February 1st. At the January 19th meeting the Commission will have a Resolution before them to offer guidelines for reopening the remaining County facilities.