Seward County Commission Meets, Approves Roof Bid

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and from an item revisited from the previous meeting, approved the bid from Jayhawk Roofing in the amount of $24,180.00 to replace the West end roof of AG building.

Commissioners voted to buy back a Trash truck that the week of Thanksgiving rolled over. The insurance is claiming total loss of $61,260.54. The Commission agreed with staff that it would be advantageous to us to have the trash body for another truck and the truck for parts. The buy back price of the truck is $12,450.00. This will be subtracted from the payment resulting in a payment of $48,810.54 for total loss.

The Commission appointed Bill Hatcher to the Planning and Zoning Board for the three-year unexpired term to begin immediately and to expire on December 31, 2024, and waived the fees for the Ag Building for Southwest Miracles to host their annual fundraising event.

Seward County declared Equity Bank, Sunflower Bank, Community Bank, and the Bank of Beaver City as Bank Depositories for 2022, and approved the 2021 Fixed Assets as presented by the County Clerk’s Office.

Commissioners after an Executive Session, voted to give County Administrator April Warden a pay raise.