The Seward county Commission met on Tuesday, and on the agenda were purchase requests from the Road and Bridge Department and the Landfill. Approved for the Road and Bridge Department was the purchase of a new road grader from Foley in the amount of $189,641.70 and a Security Monitoring System for the new shop building. Tek Style was the low bid in the amount of $4,494.26.
Commissioners tabled the Comprehensive Plan Proposal pending the outcome of the City commission meeting. This item will be on the next meeting agenda.
Marcie Weatherly was before the commission with an amendment to the Subdivision Regulations, this was approved, and also discussion was held on the Preliminary Plats.
In housekeeping items, the Commission approved JCAPS 3rd Quarter budget adjustments and employee salaries, approved renewals for the MCH and WIC programs, and Memorandum of Agreements with a Nurse Practioner, Registered Pharmacist and a Social Worker, all for the Health Department.