Seward County Commission Meets, Approves Landfill Purchases

The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening at 5:30pm and Proclaimed October 6-12 as National 4-H Week in Seward County.

Commissioners approved the Fiscal Year 2020 Carryover Budget, Fiscal Year 2019 Quarterly Report, and approved the Inter-local Multi County Agreement for Community Corrections.

For the Landfill, the Commission approved the purchase of a 2020 Mack truck with roll-off from CTE in the amount of $162,500 and also approved the purchase of a 2020 Western Star Truck from Kansas Truck for $124,878.

The Health Department was given the approval to add an additional $75 to their cash drawers, to enter into the new WIC Contract through September of 2020, and lease a Multi-function printer for 36 months at $202.71/month from Southern Office Supply.

The County Clerks office was given approval to purchase an OVO machine and ballot box at a cost of $4790, and Sharon West was appointed to The unexpired term on the Council on Aging Board.

Commissioners approved moving forward with two Resolutions. The first one addresses Authorizing Real Estate Tax Foreclosure Procedures and the second regarding the placement of Signs in County right of ways during the 45 day Election period.

Hay, Rice, and Associates was awarded the contract for the County’s 2019 Audit, and the Commission voted to approve the Design Contract Review with Willdan Energy pending Legal Counsels review of the contract.

In an added agenda item, the Commissioners approved a change order for materials for the access road to the new Communication Tower site with the cost coming in at $12,375.