Seward County Commission Meets Approves Flag Poles

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved a waiver request for the Rodeo Grounds from Crossroads Therapeutic Riding Center to host a fundraising Ranch Rodeo on April 30th.

The Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-06 – which authorizes burial of Seward County Law Enforcement Agency Canines in Restlawn Cemetery and the Commission approved flagpoles from US Flag and Flagpole Supply in the amount of $3,848.22 and the maintenance department will do the installation. These will be installed at the Landfill, Sheriff’s Office, Health Department, Road & Bridge and Restlawn Cemetery.

Commissioners also accepted a $2,500 donation from Janet Jones to be used for providing an updated directory, cleanup and maintenance at Restlawn Cemetery.

Commissioners also discussed “Fridays at the Fountain” with the first one coming on April 22nd. The first one is sponsored by the Seward County Development Corporation and free hot dogs and hamburgers will be served.