Seward County Commission Meets, Appoints Extension Board District Representatives

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and with the newly approved Extension District, appointed the Board representatives from Seward County. Appointed to 4 year terms were Evan Winchester and Randy Lucas. The 2 year terms went to Greg Standard and Teresa Randle.

The K State Extension office agreement was also approved by the Commission.

Thelma Diaz was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board. She will fill an unexpired 3 year term.

Commissioners approved the Refund Checking Account for the Health Department, and approved the application for the KDHE Aid to Local Grant in the amount of $202,543.97.

The Commission approved end of the year write offs and encumbrances and also approved a Service Agreement with ESPY for auditing services of the County’s Telecom System.

Also approved for the Landfill was a Compact Track Loader from White Star in the amount of $41,206. 48.

The next meeting of the Seward County Commission is set for March 18.