The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and with the newly approved Extension District, appointed the Board representatives from Seward County. Appointed to 4 year terms were Evan Winchester and Randy Lucas. The 2 year terms went to Greg Standard and Teresa Randle.
The K State Extension office agreement was also approved by the Commission.
Thelma Diaz was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board. She will fill an unexpired 3 year term.
Commissioners approved the Refund Checking Account for the Health Department, and approved the application for the KDHE Aid to Local Grant in the amount of $202,543.97.
The Commission approved end of the year write offs and encumbrances and also approved a Service Agreement with ESPY for auditing services of the County’s Telecom System.
Also approved for the Landfill was a Compact Track Loader from White Star in the amount of $41,206. 48.
The next meeting of the Seward County Commission is set for March 18.