Seward County Commission Meets and Approves Purchases

The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening and approved two purchase requests presented by Tony Herrmann. The first purchase approved was a 2020 Walker D21DH with mulching deck from Keating Tractor of Liberal. Keating Tractor has allowed $3,500.00 trade in on the old mower. The second approved purchase was for a 2019 Tractor from Keating Tractor. It will be used mainly for mowing County Right of Ways Keating Tractor has given $10,000.00 trade in on this quote.

Commissioners also approved the bid of $347,756.05 from Max Jantz Excavating for construction of Phase 6 in Cell 2. The job consists of excavation, subgrade prep, and clay liner installation.

The Commission also approved the JCAPS FY2021 modified budget, and approved a letter in support of the University of Kansas Medical Center grant application for its RADx-UP COVID testing health equity project to enhance COVID-19 Testing in Underserved Communities.

For the IT Department Commissioners approved the purchase of Orion Software in the amount of $2,250 for the first year and $1,875 for the following years. This will increase the County’s ability to accumulate data involving costs, damages, and other information in real time during disasters.

The Commission also looked at options to move the Seward County Fire Department to one location and that being the 18th Street Residential Firefighter Building location.