Last evenings Seward County Commission meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and innvocation delivered by Kevin Alexander. The Consent Agenda was approved, then the commission went forword to discuss the Change of Order for the Health Department.
Demolition began on the Health Department Basement and issues were discovered. As a result of these issues it is necessary to submit a change of order. Numerous code violations were discovered that must be resolved such as, abandoned water, sewer and electrical lines which need to be removed to meet code. It is also necessary to rer-route drain lines from the exam room to eliminate sewer pump issues. Mold was also found in the existingt bathroom and must be treated as required. The commission voted unanimousley to approve the Change of Order in the amount od $19,600 for the necessary repairs and upgrades.
The Commission then went into their first executive session for “legal” reasons.
The commission reconviened and then announced their second executive session for reasons of “personnel.”
The commission resumed regular session no further action was taken.