Seward County Commission Holds Special Meeting, Gets Approval to Hire for Positions

The Seward county Board of County Commissioners met Friday morning and devised a plan for reopening ant attendance limits on the Event Center, Ag Building, and Meeting Rooms. The Commission approved limiting attendance at the previously stated County owned facilities for certain private events on a square footage basis at each of the places. Social Distancing must be practiced and the individuals must adhere to a plan at heir event. For already scheduled events, Headstart and USD 480 enrollment, and Voting, these are exempt from the limitations.

Commissioners approved hiring temporary employees for Contact tracing and an RN or Agency Nurse to assist with immunizations. Also agreed upon was the hiring of an IT Tech Emergency Operations Assistant, an Administration Staff person and 3 individuals to work in the testing facility.

Commissioners also voted to participate and be updated on the COVID CARES Act related decisions.