The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening and heard an update from Eli Svaty, Director of the Seward County Development Corporation.
Commissioners approved the FY23 4th Quarter Budget Adjustment, the Carryover budget, and the FY23 Goals Report for JCAPS.
Approved Monday evening was the purchase of two new Sharp MFP printers from Southern Office to replace the ones currently in place at the Administration building Administrative office, and at the EOC office.
The Commissioners were given an update on the progress of the Maintenance Program and the next steps, and the Planning & Zoning Comprehensive Plan and heard a Review of Chapter 2.
The Commission authorized the County Clerk to cut a Special Check to pay the full invoice amount to Bruckner’s in the amount of $45,006.01 to be paid from Waste Haul funds for a new motor. Cost difference is $650.01 from the original quote. Also the Commissioners gave notice to the County Clerk of the Intent to Exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate for both the County and Rural Fire.