Seward County Commission Approves WIC Contract

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved the contract with WIC for Seward County for 2022.

The Commission approved keeping the temporary staff employees for COVID. These positions are Vaccine Coordinator
Covid Investigators x3  (2 fulltime, one part time)
RN’s at testing site (x2, both part time)
Data Entry clerk at test site ( 1 full time and one part time (approx 10 hours per week )

Adopted was the County’s Drug and Alcohol Policy and appointed Commissioner Line broker as the delegate and CJ Wettstein as 1st alternate for voting purposes at the KAC Annual conference in October 2021.

The Commission also voted to move the October 18th regular meeting to October 15th at 8:00am due to not having a quorum as 2 Commissioners will be in attedance at the KAC Meeting.