Seward County Commission Approves Waiver Request

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening for their regular meeting at 5:30pm. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission approved the waiver of fees for the Rodeo Arena for the PRCA Rodeo committee for two events. The first is a Lil’ Buckers event on April the 3rd and the second is a family type event on April the 7th.The Commissioners also approved the appeal of the decision of the Zoning Adminstrator for a lot split, discussed a road petition, the 4_H Building/Multi Purpose Project, and the Bus Stop bench for in front of the Administration Buliding. The Commission appointed Tom Willis to a 3 year term, and Mark Shepers and Ray Allen to 2 year terms on the Southwest Medical Center Board of Trustees. Also approved was JCAPS & Cimarron Basin Community Corrections request not to have to reimburse the County for overages on Technology expenses.