The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening and in new business, approved the yearly Memorandums of Understanding for the Health Department with a Pharmacist, Dietitian, Nurse Practitioners and a mental health Practitioner.
Employee Scholarships of $400 were awarded to students Mya Fabbro, daughter of Angela Davis (Seward County Jail Nurse) and Natalie Olvera, daughter of Stasia Wagensellar (Cimarron Basin Community Correction), and Commissioners heard updates from Kirkham, Michael and Associates, and on Tax Recovery.
The Commission gave a consensus on the revisions of the 2008 Seward County Subdivision & Zoning Regulations. This will be brought back to the Commission after Legal Counsel review.
Commissioners approved an $80,000 payment to M Builders for work done at the Activity Center, and approve the proposal for roof repairs at the Administration Building and approved the proposal from Diamond Roofing in the amount of $1,783.00 to be paid from County Building for the roof repairs at the Law Enforcement Center.
Commissioners also approved the Annual Subscription with ClearCo for the County Technology Department. After an Executive Session the Commission approved waiving the 60 Day waiting period for a County employee