At Tuesday evenings meeting, the Seward County Commission approved the Health Department Construction Contract with MBuilders and the first draw on the monies of the $118,643.oo contract.
An Emergency Operations Grant with Federal funds are available to upgrade Emergency Operations Centers in Kansas counties. 1.6 million dollars will be spent to upgrade those counties that submit successful applications.
The purpose will be to provid needed equipment to makeĀ Seward County EOC as functional as possible in order to serve the community during incidents and disasters.
Items Approved through the grant would include:
Salary for assistant through December 31st, 2020.
Meeting room tables/chairs
Smart Board for meetings
Weather Stations for county connected to our website for citizen use
Radios for workers
Computer(s) for agencies
Shelving and Bookcases.
The grant application must be submitted by September 18th 2020. Payment to Seward County for approved projects will be made September 30th, 2020.Submittal for the Grant Funds was approved by the Commission.
Board appointments to the Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging Board were made at the meeting with Terry Decker, Barbra Fitzgerald and Melinda Baker all being appointed.