Seward County Commission met on Wednesday Morning and approved a waiver of Ag Building fees for a Super Outreach Program sponsored by the Liberal Ministerial Alliance. They are bringing in Steve Grant to speak at the schools on Thursday and Friday, – February 28 and 29, 2024, and on Sunday – March 1, 2024, at the Faith Tabernacle Church. The Liberal Ministerial Alliance would like to add Saturday, March 2, 2024 to Mr. Grant’s schedule.

On a rebuild of a 2024 Cat 826G compactor for the Landfill, the Commission went with the Bank of Beaver at 4.95% lease purchase interest rate.

Approved was the annual agreement between KDOT and Seward County to have the Seward County Noxious Weed Department spray along state highway right-of-ways to control noxious weeds in the county. Also approved was the annual noxious weed annual plan and the progress report on the eradication of noxious weeds in Seward County for 2023.

The Commissioners approved the EIG Grant Application 2024 for EMS, and discussed clear terms of service to be provided/scope of work, consultant’s role as an independent contractor and who he reports to, contract duration, project timelines, payment & fees.