Seward County Commission Appoints Fair Association Board

The Seward County Board of County Commissioners met Monday evening and to start the meeting, the Commissioners declared October1-7, 2023 National 4-H Week in Seward County.

The Commission approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Year-End Outcome Report as presented by the Cimarron Basin Community Corrections.

Commissioners heard from Fire Chief Andrew Barkley and desires to have a strong working relationship with the Fire Department to continue to improve the fire departments ratings for the citizens of Seward County benefit. on another item on the agenda for the Fire Department, the Commission approved working with the fire department to achieve phase one of the two-phase process by approving the purchase of two aerial ladder trucks, not to exceed $103,000.00 to come from ARPA funding.

Commissioners approved the appointment of Bee Symons, Rosa Conley, Amanda Kolb, Andrew Barkley, and Cheryl Collins to the Seward County Five-State Fair Board, and also approved the waiver of fees for “That” Liberal Bands annual Fish Fry set for March 22, 2024.

After an executive session the Commissioners gave the authorization to County Counsel to file suit against former employees for misappropriation of funds and to file suit against the roofing company and engineer for damages to the court house roof.