Seward County Approves SWMC Board Appointments

The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening and made appointments to the Southwest Medical Center Board. Appointed were, Dennis Sander, Joe Denoyer, and Tony McKee. McKee received the 3 year term.

The Board tabled the request for$10,000.00 to provide Disaster Relief Funding to the Liberal Area Coalition for Families (LACF) until budget sessions.

Approved was a request for waiver of fees to utilize the livestock arena and beef barn for SCCC Agriculture Program during Ag Week for a Livestock Judging Contest that will run April 17 – 21. Another waiver was denied for Promociones Hacienda as the Commission did not feel this event met the public purpose criteria.

Change orders were approved for the security cameras at the Activity Center and for Skylights on the Courthouse roof.

Commissioners approved the purchase of (3) vehicles from JR Audio in the amount of $142,025.00 to come from Equipment Reserves, and accepted the bid from Foley Cat for the purchase of a wheel loader in the amount of $192,014.28 for the Landfill.

Also for the Landfill, Commissioners approved resolution 2024-04 to enter into a lease purchase agreement with Bank of Beaver City for a Compactor rebuild for 2024.
The compactor went in for rebuild at the first of the year and is finished and back on site working. The cost of the rebuild was $599,944.10.

The Commissioners approved the 2024 Lease Renewal Agreement for Sheriff Department at the Liberal Airport.