Seward Changes Booster Club Meeting Schedule

With the start of a new school year the Saints Booster Club is pleased to announce a new format for their 2014-2015 meetings. Meetings will now be held quarterly, in conjunction with our sport seasons. Meetings will also be moved from the campus of Seward County Community College to businesses in our Liberal community and times for the meetings will range from two noon meetings, to three evening meetings. Student-athletes and coaches of the in-season sports will be featured at each meeting and the Saints Booster Club will look for other college representatives to discuss other happenings on campus.

Our kick-off event will be on Tuesday, September 9th at 6:30 pm and that meeting will be held at Vargas Restaurant. Appetizers will be provided by the Saints Booster Club for the meeting. As always, you do not need to be a member to attend and members are encouraged to invite others to join in the fun. Attached is a list of the scheduled 2014-2015 meetings, with times and places noted on the document.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Roy Allen at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> or 620-417-1553.

Roy Allen