Senator Roberts Applauds $53 Million for Kansas Airports through CARES Act Grants

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that Kansas airports will receive $53,420,412 in grant funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

“With the coronavirus slowing air travel across the nation, our state has felt its impact at our airports,” said Sen. Pat Roberts. “Regardless of size, all of the airports throughout our state are in need of crucial assistance at a time like this. I am pleased these grants from the CARES Act will provide more than $53 million to Kansas airports in both urban and rural communities.”

List of Area Kansas Airport Grants include:

Cimarron Cimarron Municipal 8K8 $1,000
Dodge City Dodge City Regional DDC $69,000
Elkhart Elkhart-Morton County EHA $20,000
Garden City Garden City Regional GCK $17,959,219
Hugoton Hugoton Municipal HQG $30,000
Johnson Stanton County Municipal JHN $30,000
Lakin Kearny County 36K $30,000
Liberal Liberal Mid-America Regional LBL $69,000
Meade Meade Municipal MEJ $20,000
Satanta Satanta Municipal 1K9 $20,000
Syracuse Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal 3K3 $30,000
Tribune Tribune Municipal 5K2 $20,000
Ulysses Ulysses ULS $30,000

More information can be found on the FAA’s website