Susan Wagle, State Senator, Wichita, has endorsed Tim Huelskamp for Congress. Stated Wagle “I supported Jim Barnett for Governor four years ago, and even served as his running mate, hoping to take State government out of the hands of liberal incumbent Governor Kathleen Sebelius.”
Wagle continued, “However, since 2006, our political environment has turned for the worse. Now that Washington D.C. and our Congress is firmly under the control of President Obama and Congresswoman Pelosi, we need a fighter in Washington who will stand firm against their left wing agenda and work hard to take our Country back. Our only chance to take this Nation back is to elect genuine, unwavering, conservatives to Congress and the U.S. Senate in 2010.”
Wagle further stated, “If Republicans in the First District want to be a part of the National revolution against Obama and his liberal policies, I ask them to join me in supporting Senator Tim Huelskamp for Congress. They should reject the last minute deceitful attacks that have been flooding the First District and distort the Huelskamp record. They should send Kansas State Senator Tim Huelskamp, a strong conservative, to Congress. I am confident Senator Huelskamp will dedicate his energy and his political expertise to taking back our Country.”