Seaboard Foods Donates $170,000 to SCCC

Seaboard Foods is teaming up with Seward County Community College (SCCC) in Liberal, Kan., to provide educational pathways for Seaboard Foods’ employees with a $170,000 commitment over the next 3.5 years.

As part of the partnership, SCCC will exchange one free college class in any discipline to Seaboard Foods employees. Employees from any of Seaboard Foods’ five-state locations have the opportunity to take classes from SCCC, including in-person, online or blend-flex formats.

We want to support education in our area, not just for our employees, but for everyone. Education builds strong leaders and provides skills and knowledge, which leads to more vibrant communities and greater opportunity,” says Alaina Sill, recruiting and talent acquisition manager at Seaboard Foods.

In addition to this program, Seaboard launched educational programs for employees, such as tuition reimbursement for employees who have worked with the company six months or more, training about financial literacy, apprenticeships and virtual learning from internal industry experts, a company release said.

“Our goal is to encourage our employees to be life-long learners. We want to help foster curiosity, enhance understanding of the world, provide useful skills and improve quality of life. Education is the key to accomplish this,” says Kay Stinson, vice president of human resources and animal care.