The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at the east Campus and after opening items, selected Naomi Vargas as President and Kathy Fitzgerald as Vice President. In action items, the Board approved the 2022 audited financial statements as presented by Hay, Rice, and Associates and approved the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. The strategic plan includes the expectations from stakeholders, the district goals, actions to achieve the goals, and measures for monitoring progress. Baselines for progress monitoring will be established in June 2023 and improvement targets will be set by August 1 of each year.
Approved to Hellas Construction were the payment applications for the middle school turf project in the amount of $802,934.73. This will be paid directly from the lease finance company. Also approved was the allocation of $200,000 in ESSER II funds to expand access to and participation in dual credit courses.
The Board approved the continuation of Leader In Me at Sunflower for 2023-2026 for $46,800. (3-year contract), and approved allowing 9-month classified staff to use up to 10 days of accumulated leave during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. This would provide an opportunity for staff to manage their leave for additional pay during the months that have considerably fewer work days such as December and March. A new employee would not have accumulated leave until the second year of employment. Currently, there is 233 staff with 8 hours or more of accumulated leave. The cost to the district would be approximately $158,000 per year.
And the Board approved the Waiver of Liquidated Damages.