The USD 480 school board met for the first time in 2016 Monday evening. The board approved the boundaries sugguested by the boundary commttee. That committee has about 20 people consisting of principals, teachers, and community members. So when the five elementary schools are all ready, students will attend the school in their neighborhood. Currenty, due to overcrowding, some students are bused across town away from their area school.
The board approved new courses which can be taken for credit at LHS and SCCC/ATS. Those courses are E Commerce, Payroll Accounting, Web Page Design, Computer Information Systems, and Health Information Technology.
The board approved three vehicles coming from unused funds after hail damage. The district will use funds encumbered from hail damage to purchase other vehicles. The money for the vehicles comes from unused funds after the Memorial Day weekend hail storm. With that money, the district will purchase a 2014 or new suburban, a 4×4 pickup for maintenance, and a cargo van.