SCCC’s Dr. Trzaska Retires from the game

Following a unique “double triple” during a game of pick-up basketball in late August, Dr. Kenneth Trzaska has announced he will not be returning to the game. His decision came after a triple break to his left foot — the second major injury in two years.

IMG_0522“Much as I love sports and relish competition, breaking bones in both legs has shown me that my playing days are over,” Trzaska said in an interview from his home. “When I get on the court, I want to play the way I always have, and that has taken a toll on my health.” Trzaska suffered a similar injury last year, when a Saturday game of hoops in the Greenhouse resulted in a broken foot.

This time the injury is so extreme that “my doctor has been unable to put a cast on until the swelling goes down,” he said. Despite a notoriously high pain tolerance, Trzaska said that for the first time in his life, he is grateful for painkillers.

The worst aspect of the situation, however, has been the doctor’s order to stay home, elevate the limb, and rest.

“I have had to change some obligations to virtual meetings, cut out the travel, and stay home, and I feel awful about it,” Trzaska said. “I am not a fan of being immobile. Not at all.”

As always, SCCC team members and students are welcome to contact Trzaska. The president’s “no door” policy has been temporarily replaced with a “no filter” approach to email.

“It’s important to me to be part of what’s happening on campus, especially as the semester accelerates and we prepare for our accreditation visit from Higher Learning Commission,” said Trzaska. “I may not be back on campus with my scooter yet, but I am available to communicate about any Saints situations.”