SCCC/ATS Trustees Meet, Adopt Budget

The Seward County Community College/Board of Trustees adopted the 2013-14 budget at the end of the official budget hearing Monday, Aug. 5. The local tax revenue for the adopted budget is $7,979,839, which is approximately $34,000 less than local tax revenue in FY2013.
Dr. Mark Sarver, e duKan chief executive officer, gave an overview of the success of the e duKan consortium between SCCC/ATS and Garden City, Dodge City, Pratt, Barton and Colby community colleges. He said that enrollment has continued to increase since its inception in 2000. This past year headcount enrollment increased 7.5 percent and credit hour enrollment, 11 percent.
EduKan did change the dividend formula this past year, he said. The more students enrolled through an individual college in the e duKan system the more funding an institution can get back. SCCC/ATS’ dividend was $74,692.89 for FY2013. In addition, e duKan is working hard to insure that the student enrolled in the e duKan class is actually taking the e duKan class, which can be a concern for on-line courses. The e duKan colleges use a biometrics signature process, which verifies the student enrolled in the course is actually completing the online assignment or exam. They are also working with each institution to develop online courses in a specific program area, in addition to the general education courses.
Board Chair Ron Oliver signed the Memorandum of Agreement to be submitted along with the 2014-16 Performance Agreement to the Kansas Board of Regents.
Todd Carter, director of assessment and research, presented an overview of the performance agreement using the Kansas Board of Regents Data System. The six key indicators SCCC/ATS will be using as components of their performance agreement are:
· Increase the number of Career and Technical Education certificates awarded;
· Increase the success rate of students in College Algebra;
· Increase the number of students achieving third party technical credentials;
· Increase the success rate of developmental writing students in English Composition I;
· Increase the number of students graduating in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) programs; and
· Increase the college- level credit hour completion rate.
Cynthia Rapp, dean of academic affairs, reported that all new employees reported Monday, Aug. 5 for new employee orientation, and all faculty returned Tuesday, Aug. 6. Fall classes begin Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 12-13.
Celeste Donovan, dean of student services, reported that the resident assistants also begin three days of training Wednesday before welcoming students to the dorms Sunday. Training for the 18 presidential scholars begin Thursday, Aug. 8.
Dennis Sander, dean of finance, reported that changes to the microbiology lab has been delayed a week because the cabinets failed to arrive. However, this delay will not hinder the beginning of classes.
Janice Thatcher, dean of career and technical education, reported that the college will receive a $27,500 grant for a spray booth simulator that will be used in Auto Body Collision Repair.
President Dunn informed the Board that former Lady Saint Kim Ortega had been inducted into the NJCAA Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame, and that the 2013-14 Lady Saints Basketball Team was recognized as the number four academic team by the NJCAA.
In other action, the board
1. Hired Bill Asmussen, English as a Second Language instructor; Gloria Goodwin, communications/theater instructor; Dr. Heather Hannah, mathematics instructor; and Maira Regalado, ESL instructor;
2. Approved the naming of the circle drive with a minimum donation of $500 as an auction item at the SCCC/ATS Foundation Party Auction, Sept. 21.
The board is invited to the opening year picnic Saturday and the presidential scholars dinner, Monday, Sept. 19.
The next Trustee meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 3.