SCCC/ATS Trustees Meet

The Seward County Community College/Board of Trustees met Monday Nov. 5, to hear program reports and approve purchases.

Dr. Duane Dunn, SCCC/ATS president, reported that the college had an exceptional review from the Quality Checkup site visit conducted recently by the Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), which accredits SCCC/ATS. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation and performance were acceptable and comply with expectations by both the Commission and AQIP.

The board accepted the program review for the Alumni and Public Relations Department, the first program review for a non-instructional program. Andrea Yoxall, director of public and alumni relations, addressed the changes in her department including a renewed interest campus-wide in promoting alumni relations. She also highlighted changes that will affect bulk-mailing procedures and associated increased costs beginning in January 2013.

In addition, her office will begin promoting the college through more electronic transmissions, such as email, and less usage of printed material. The change is based on surveys of students and the public as to how they access information.

The board heard annual updates for the allied health programs, including Nursing, Surgical Technology, Medical Assistant, Respiratory Therapy and Medical Laboratory Technician programs.

Veda King, Allied Health Division chair and director of nursing gave an overview of changes or highlights of these programs.

  • The Associate Degree Nursing program will have an accreditation site visit Jan. 28-30.
  • The Nursing program signed an articulation agreement with Newman University for an RN to BSN program;
  • Surgical Technology has realigned its curriculum that requires students take their prerequisites prior to admittance into the program in the fall.
  • Medical Assistant has changed its program to an online and hybrid format.
  • By focusing on low reading scores of some of their applicants, the Medical Assistant program has increased the completion rate of its students by 20 percent.
  • Respiratory Therapy has revised its curriculum where all general education classes are offered in the fall with admission to the program in January.
  • Respiratory Therapy increased its clinical curriculum by 176 hours, which will create a higher-qualified student who is better prepared for the workforce.
  • Medical Laboratory Technician program has established a partnership with Colby Community College, where all the lectures are available online and the labs are conducted locally or in approved area health facilities in the Colby area.

The board also heard updates on the Business Division, including Accounting, Agriculture, Business Administrative Technology, Computer Information Systems, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice and Business Management/Marketing.

  • As a recruiting and public relations tool, the Business Division began Pizza nights for area juniors and seniors to introduce students to the business program.
  • The Accounting program has done extensive research to make sure its classes are aligned with transfer colleges and universities.
  • The agricultural program has increased enrollment, and will begin offering two classes to high school students on campus this spring, including Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Introduction to Future and Options.
  • The Agricultural program will begin a Crops and Soils Team in the spring.
  • The Computer Information Systems program has proposed the addition of Computer Systems Repair and Computer Applications Specialist programs.
  • SCCC/ATS graduates of the CIS program can now transfer with an associate in applied science degree to Fort Hays State University to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Technology Leadership.
  • High school students will be able to enroll in a series of computer application courses including web design and computer game and animation courses beginning in January.
  • Students in the Cosmetology program are visiting more salons to see how different businesses operate in the state.
  • As part of a review of courses, the Criminal Justice program is moving more of its classes online and introducing a new online agency administration course.
  • Through eduKan, SCCC/ATS’ online consortium, the Introduction to Business course is now completely digitized from course to textbook.
  • The Business Division introduced a new Sports Management program.

In other action, the board

1. Accepted the resignation of Brett Crow, agriculture instructor and livestock judging coach, effective Dec. 18;

2. Adopted changes to the organizational chart to reflect position title and assignment changes;

3. Recognized members of the Professional Employee Association, including Kim Thomas as president; Chris Guyer as president-elect; Sandy Brisendine, secretary; and Alli Lyon as treasurer;

4. Recognized members of the PEA Professional Welfare Committee, including Cristy Mulanax, Alli Lyon and Troy Bowles;

5. Accepted the sole bid form ProLINE Equipment Co., of Great Bend in the amount of $11,181 for two Hunter Smart Weight Balancers for the Automotive Mechanics Technology program; and

6. Approved a three-year lease with Southern Office Supply in the amount of $6,045.96 per year for a Sharp digital color copier for Business & Industry and Athletics.

Dennis Sander, dean of finance and operations, informed the Board that repairs on the boiler in the activities center are scheduled to be completed by Nov. 15. Due to the repairs, there is currently no hot water available in the locker rooms, wellness center, or swimming pool.

President Dunn provided the Board with information and schedule of anticipated changes to the outcomes measures monitored by the Kansas Board of Regents. The outcomes will have a focus on career and technical education programs and will include wage data, employment data, and third party credential or licensing rates. Dunn explained that the implementation of the outcomes measures will have an impact on the distribution of state funds to colleges.

International student recognition will be at 12 noon, Tuesday, Nov. 13 in the Student Union. The administration and board will host a Legislative breakfast, at 7 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 27 in SU214 E/W.

The next board meeting will be at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 3 in the board room.