SCCC/ATS Student Is Awarded Prestgious Scholarship

Callie Mosburg, a second-year medical laboratory technician (MLT) student at Seward County Community College/Area Technical School, has been notified that she was awarded a $1000 scholarship from the Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce supported by a generous gift from Siemens Healthcare, the largest corporation in the world devoted solely to clinical diagnostics.

Mosburg was one of 50 recipients across the United States to receive the scholarship.

Mosburg earned a bachelorź??s of science in biology from Northwest Oklahoma State University (NWOSU), Alva, Oklahoma in May 2008, graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA. She was a member of the honors program while attending NWOSU. She was also a member of Phi Beta Lambda.

Callie was admitted to the medical laboratory technician program in August 2008 and was on the Presidentź??s honor roll for the fall 2008 semester.

Dr. Suzanne Campbell, MLT program coordinator, provided the scholarship information to second-year students and a letter of recommendation for Mosburg.

ź??She learns quickly in the laboratory and demonstrates a competency level beyond the program requirements,ź?ť Campbell said. ź?? The clinical laboratory profession will greatly benefit when Callie completes the program and secures employment to offer quality healthcare to the patients she will serve. This is a tremendous honor for Callie and the MLT program.ź?ť Students compete nationwide for this scholarship.

Callie is a native of Beaver, Oklahoma and currently resides in Alva, Oklahoma.
