SCCC/ATS Receives Grant To Start New Program

Seward County Community College/Area Technical School recently received a grant from the Kansas Department of Commerce for use in developing the Natural Gas Compressor Technician Program.

The funds in the amount of $90,000 are a part of the Workforce Solution Funds created by the Kansas Legislature in 2004. The grant money will be used to hire and train an instructor and renovate facilities on the area technical school site so the program can begin in fall 2010.

Susan Nickerson, regional director of the Kansas Works west region, was on campus to present the check. The Kansas Department of Commerce administers the Workforce Solutions Fund to help postsecondary workforce training institutions throughout the state respond more effectively to the workforce training needs of critical industries in Kansas. Funds are strategically invested into projects designed to enhance Kansas post-secondary institutionsź?? training services and/or training capacity for the benefit of Kansas companies.

ź??We are excited about the great industry support we have for this program,ź?ť said Dale Reed, associate dean of educational services. ź??The Petroleum Industry Education Committee is working closely with the college to help develop the program, hire an instructor and provide equipment for the program. The college has a long history working with the natural gas industry through the Gas Compressor and Measurement & Pipeline institutes.ź?ť

Other industry support includes Great Plains Gas Compression, Inc., DCP Midstream, Anadarko, J-W Operating Company, Stewart & Stevenson and BP America.