Students in 20 high-demand programs at Seward County Community College can complete a degree or certificate at no cost to them, thanks to a bill signed by Governor Laura Kelly last week. House Bill 2064, known as the Kansas Promise Scholarship Act, will provide “last dollar” scholarships to cover the cost to students after other types of financial aid have been applied. The bottom line? No-cost college.
Eligible programs at SCCC include drafting and design technology; heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration (HVAC); all five of the college’s Allied Health program tracks; computer and information systems; advanced manufacturing, including chemical process technology, machine tool, metallurgical technology and welding; and transportation distribution and logistics, which includes diesel and automotive technology and collision repair, automotive business management, and CDL/truck driving.
College president Brad Bennett said the Promise Act will offer an immediate, powerful impact to SCCC’s service area.
“Students can enroll in our programs that have a proven record of high earnings after graduation, at no cost to themselves or their families,” he said. “This means they can get started on a career, make a difference, and improve their lives straight out of high school.”
Gov. Kelly also emphasized the positive impact the Promise Act will have on the state’s economy “in every corner of the state . . . [and] ensure Kansas students have access to the resources they need to succeed and build a robust pipeline of skilled workers to support future economic growth.”
Bennett noted that legislators have included important guidelines s for scholarship recipients, including a state residency requirement during and after completion of the program.
“We are so excited to see this energize our incoming students and the community,” he said. “It’s good news for everyone.”