By Rachel Coleman
Preparations have started for the 50th anniversary of Seward County Community College, which first welcomed students to class on Sept. 2, 1969. While kick-off celebration is still several months away, the committee has begun to assemble the inaugural list of 50 Hall of Saints inductees. Distinct from the Saints Athletics Hall of Fame, the Hall of Saints will honor graduates of the college and its affiliated technical school names.
“The Hall of Saints provides a way to remember our past, honor alumni who have contributed to our campus culture and the world at large, and inspire our students with a visual display that will show them what’s possible, face by face,” said committee co-chair Rachel Coleman. “We know it’s impossible to include everyone, because there are more than 9,000 alumni. We do hope to introduce a cross-section of the Saints and their achievements.”
The Hall of Saints will expand each year, as more high-achievers are added.
The committee continues to solicit nominations for alumni who meet the following criteria:
Criteria for Hall of Saints Inductees:
1. Graduated with degree or certificate from SCCC, SCCC/ATS, LAVTS, SWKATS
2. Contributed positively to the reputation of the institution (i.e., left the college in good standing, and has since lived within the limits of the law and in a positive manner)
3. Achievement in career field of choice.
4. Academic excellence or its equivalent — being the best as recognized by peers / awards / credentials / degrees.
5. Service to the community where he/she lives.
The list is slated to finalize during the first week of March, so submit names as soon as possible. If you want to recognize someone who meets the criteria, please, PLEASE let us know. If you know their year of graduation, great, but we are willing to research and nail down details.
Send suggestions to [email protected], OR[email protected] OR [email protected].
Thanks for helping us assemble a panoply of people who represent the very best of the Seward County Way.