SCCC Purchases Former Church Building, 10 Acre Parcel

LIBERAL, Kan. — At a sheriff’s auction Tuesday morning, Seward County Community College purchased a building and adjacent land for future expansion. The addition of the former All Nations Church at 601 E 15th Street adds not only another building but 10.01 acres of land to the southeast end of the main campus property.

The acquisition opens exciting possibilities for the future, stated SCCC Vice President of Business Affairs Maddie Day.

“We are focusing on long-term growth in every aspect of our business dealings, and this opportunity came at the right time,” she said.

At a special meeting of the SCCC Board of Trustees on Friday, May 26, the Board authorized college president Brad Bennett to negotiate the acquisition of this property, subject to subsequent ratification by the Board . The college won the auction pending a court order from the Sheriff’s sale.

“The building was constructed to be a church, which means several useful features are already in place,” said SCCC President Brad Bennett, who listed code requirements for building capacity, large scale kitchen and restroom facilities, and multiple classroom and group gathering spaces. “At this point, we are just pleased to have expanded options for what we envision in terms of growing our student enrollment over the next five years.”

Student numbers have already increased thanks to program expansion in agriculture, truck driving, and the addition of men’s and women’s soccer and eSports teams.

“Our dorm numbers alone are double and triple from previous years, and that is only partly due to athletes who live on campus,” said Bennett. “Our plan is not to merely react to growth as it occurs, we are strategizing to enable even more. It’s good for the college and for the community.”