SCCC Finals Week, Holiday Closing Schedule Announced



Hallways across the campus of Seward County Community College are quieter than usual this week as students head into the home stretch of the semester. Final exams for night classes began Monday, and continue through the week. Regular, daytime classes will begin final exams on Dec. 12, and continue through Dec. 14. The Saints Bookstore book buyback and rental return follows the same dates, Dec. 12-14.

By Friday, Dec. 16, faculty will finish their work for the semester, with campus open through Dec. 22. After close at 4:45 p.m. Dec. 22, campus will be “on holiday” until it reopens Jan. 3.

Other dates to keep in mind relate to the relocation of the financial aid and Registrar’s offices. Both are located in the Hobble Academic Building, and will be “trading spaces” on Dec. 19 and 20. New or returning students who need assistance with financial aid and enrollment paperwork should plan accordingly, as the offices will not be available on those two days.

The Registrar’s office does plan to be open Dec. 21 and 22 to process enrollment, but incoming and returning students would be wise to plan ahead, said Registrar Alaina Rice.

“We may still be getting the space organized after the move, so I would suggest, for efficiency’s sake, that students get as much done before Dec. 19 as possible,” she said.

Classes for the Spring 2017 semester start Jan. 9, 2017. For more information about the class schedule, including constantly updated data about which courses have filled, visit the college website,