Cases of Scarlet Fever have been reported in Texas County. The Texas County Health Department has confirmed tha they have seen a few cases of Scarlet Fever in the Texhoma area, however according to Leslie Bennett Webb of the Oklahoma Health Center in Oklahoma City, there is not an outbreak in Texas County, only a few sporadic incidents. She also stated that Scarlet Fever is not the disease it used to be, and can easily be treated with antibiotics. According to the Center For Disease Control, Scarlet Fever is a rash that appears from untreated strep throat. Symptoms include a rash, tiny red bumps usually on or around chest and abdomen. The face is flushed with a pale area around the lips. The throat is very red, sore and have white or yellow patches. A fever of 101 degrees F or higher is common. Glands in the neck are often swollen. Finally, a whitish coating can appear on the surface of the tongue. For more information on this disease go to