Satanta Students Receive Scholarships

Ten students from Satanta High School recently attended the Hispanic College Institute at Fort Hays State University:

Alex Martinez
Anai Sanchez
Damien Leyva
Edgar Morales
Edwardo Mata
Jaretmy Serrano
Jayline Hernandez
Marlen Perez Mungia
Mia Herrada
Noe Ramirez

While on campus, these students attended a variety of workshops designed to help them navigate the world of college, toured campus, attended classes taught by FHSU faculty, participated in an Academic Programs Fair, and enjoyed activities including bowling and stuff-a-tiger. All participants were allowed to apply to the university free of charge, and three Satanta students won $500 scholarships: Mia Herrada, Edgar Morales, and Noe Ramirez.