Satanta Announces Passing Tournament

5 on 5
3 Divisions
Varsity (for those entering 11th and 12th grade)
JV (for those entering 9th and 10th grade)
JR High (for those entering 7th and 8th grade)
*Limited to the first 8 teams that sign up for each division
Winners from each division will receive Tournament Champions T-Shirts
JUNE 17TH, 2017 @ Satanta High School Satanta, KS 67870
COST $60 per team Include Team name contact info and Shirt sizes
MAIL CHECKS TO: Justin Helton
PO BOX 598
Satanta, KS 67870
For more information contact Coach Justin Helton
620-499-9224 or [email protected]
General Information:
To be held at Satanta High School Satanta, KS
Varsity games and all championship games will be played on both ends of the High School Football field
JV games will be played on both ends of the High School Football Practice field.
JR High games will be played on the Jr High Practice field
What to Bring:
Equipment, mouthpiece, grass cleats, colored jerseys with numbers, towels, water bottles
Signed Player Information Waivers
Justin Helton-Satanta High School
[email protected]
A FILLED out “Player Information and Waiver” form must submitted prior to teams first game. Please have athletes fill out and bring to the tournament
Each team will consist of 4 receivers, 1 QB and 1 Coach on the field at a time with no more than 2 substitute players, coaches and managers on the sidelines (Please keep fans in the stands
Each Division will have a 8 team bracket with double elimination
Coin toss prior to game will determine which team has position first
Game consist of 2 half’s consisting of 10 offensive and defensive plays for each team with a 5 minute halftime between half’s
8 points for offensive touchdown and 6 points for defensive touchdown
Over Time will consist of 3 offensive plays for each team from the 15 yard line until a winner is determined
Ball will start on 30 yard line and work towards the end zone
Team will have 10 plays to score as many times as possible each half
Each touch down will be worth 8 points
There will be no extra points
QB has 4 seconds from start of play to throw the ball if the QB fails to release the ball before the 4 seconds has expired the ball will be returned to the original line of scrimmage and will result in a loss of down for the offense
NO RUNNING Passing only
Receiver will be down when touched by defender with 1 hand below the shoulder
No Rushing the QB
Play the ball not the man
Interceptions returned to the 30 yard line untouched will result in 8 points for a TD. Following the TD the ball will be placed at the 30 and will result in a loss of down for the offense
Interceptions not returned for touchdown will result in 2 points, ball being placed at the 30 yard line and will result in a loss of down for the offense
Fumbles Offense retains possession at spot of fumble
Offsides offense/defense 5 yard penalty replay down
Offensive Pass Interference play is ruled dead and loss of down
Defensive Pass Interference 5 yard penalty replay down
Illegal Formation must have 2 receivers ON LOS 2 receivers OFF the LOS at all times 5 yard penalty
Delay of Game Ball must be snapped within 25 seconds from spot of ball 5 yard penalty
Sack QB is still holding ball after 4 seconds 5 yard penalty and loss of Down

Morning we will have breakfast burritos, water and sports drinks available to purchase
Lunch we will have Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, water and sports drinks available to purchase
The afternoon we will have water, sports drinks and snacks available to purchase
We will have restrooms
We will have water coolers at each field please bring your water bottles if you have them
We will have ice for any injuries
Please remind your coaches, teams and fans that this tournament is ran by volunteers in an effort to provide an opportunity for our young athletes to improve their skills and enjoyment for the game of football. Please ask them all to participate with exceptional sportsmanship as we are all role models for the future generations.

We are looking forward to welcoming your teams and fans to our facility see you at the field.

Sincerely yours,
Coach Helton




City_____________________________ State______Zip____________

Phone#: Home_____________________ Cell_____________________

Parent’s Name__________________________________Parent’s cell______________________

I agree, warrant and covenant as follows:
Release and Medical Authorization: The release and the medical authorization must be signed by a parent or guardian in order for student to participate in camp activities.

Release and Liability: In consideration for the Satanta 5 on 5 Passing Tournament granting the student permission to participate in the tournament, I hereby assume all risks of the student’s personal injury that may result from football camp activity. As parent/guardian I do hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Satanta 5 on 5 Passing Tournament staff, coaches, and teams and all participants in said football tournament from all liability, including claims and suits at law or equity, for injury that may result from the student taking part in football camp, including from negligence.
Risks: I am fully informed of the risks associated with my child’s participation in sports (football) as outlined here. Common injuries and locations: Bruises; sprains; strains; pulled muscles; tears to soft tissues such as ligaments; broken bones; internal injures (bruised or damaged organs); concussions; back injuries; sunburn. Knees and ankles are the most common injury sites. Injury prevention: Proper use of safety equipment, warm-up exercises, proper coaching techniques and conditioning.
Medical Authorization: I hereby authorize and give my consent to the coaches at Satanta 5 on 5 Passing Tournament or any licensed physician or athletic trainer to perform upon or administer any reasonable, necessary medical treatment to my participant(s). I agree to assume all costs related to such treatment. I understand that I will be responsible for any medical or other charges in connections with attendance at this tournament.
Acceptance of release, liability, and medical authorization: By signing this form I fully read and accept the release, liability, and medical authorization terms for the Satanta 5 on 5 Passing Tournament.
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ ______Date__________________

Insurance Company_______________________________ Policy Number________________________