Jay Daubenberger

Seward County baseball continued their road stint this week with a trip to Pueblo, Colorado where the Saints faced off with the Trojans of Trinidad State and grabbed a big 15-7 win in game one of the three game series this weekend.

The first couple of innings was a battle between pitchers as Brian Luna Alvarez recorded four strikeouts in the first two innings before Seward County dominated in the top of the third when Kaden Juarez singled on a pop fly to drive in the first two runs of the game and take a 2-0 lead. A pair of RBIs extended the lead to four while another big hit from Connor Raney scored another run to make the SCCC lead out to 5-0.

A single run in the bottom of the inning by Trinidad State made it 5-1 while another pair of strikeouts from Luna Alvarez held the Trojans at bay before a single from Trenton Rowan on a ground ball to third drove in Raney and make the Saints lead 6-1. A two-run homer from Trinidad trimmed the Seward County lead to three at 6-3 before a five run inning in the top of the seventh pulled the Saints far ahead thanks to a double from Nathan Hopkins to drive in a pair while a triple from Rowan made it 11-3 over the Trojans.

Another three runs for Seward County in the eighth kept their lead growing as they reached 15 runs on the game and despite a few responses from Trinidad in the bottom of the inning ended the game in favor of the Saints 15-7 over the Trojans.

Rowan finished a home run shy of completing the cycle as he finished 3 of 6 at the plate while knocking out a double and a triple in the game while recording 4 RBIs. Todd Baffa went an impressive 4 of 6 at the plate while scoring 1 run while the pitching duo of Luna Alvarez and Tyler Wilcox each struck out 6 batters.

Seward County now improves to 10-11 on the 2024 season and will continue their series with Trinidad tomorrow in a doubleheader against the Trojans with game one beginning at 1:00 PM.