Saints Dormant in Dodge

One day after Dodge City fell prey to Seward’s pitching staff in 5-0 and 6-0 losses, the Conqs returned the favor on Monday toying with the Saints 10-1 and 4-0. Seward didn’t have an RBI in 16 innings. In game one, Seward walked three and beaned one to begin the bottom of the first paving the way for a six run inning. In game two, Dodge City (12-12, 8-8) scored three of their four runs with two outs. Seward’s only threat was the eighth when they loaded the bases with one out but a double play ended the inning. Seward is 17-16 overall and 13-3 in the Jayhawk West. Seward hosts Garden City Saturday at 1 PM on Talkradio 1270 and