Ron Eakes Files For USD483 School Board

Ron Eakes has filed for USD 483 School Board. Filings to date include Matt Friederich, Travis Combs, Crystal Clemens, Nick Hatcher and Tammy Williams for USD 480 School Board; Andrea Johnsrud and Roger Holmes for USD 483 School Board; Sharon Hobble, Ron Oliver and Dustin Ormiston for the Seward County Community College Board of Trustees; Joe Denoyer, Tim Long, Dale Harrold, Candace Koehn, John Blackmore and Dave Harrison for the City of Liberal; Rodney Lewis for Kismet City Mayor; and Emery Ball for Kismet City Council.

City of Liberal, 2 – four year terms and 2 – two year terms. Of these positions, the two individuals elected with the largest number of votes will receive four-year terms and the individuals receiving the third and fourth most votes will receive two year terms. Candidates interested in filing for Liberal City Commission must file with the Liberal City Clerk.

Seward County Community College Board of Trustees will have 3 positions to be elected.

USD 480, 3 positions to be elected.

USD 483, 3 positions to be elected from District Number 2.

Kismet City will have 1 position for Kismet City Mayor and 3 positions for Kismet City Council.

The filing deadline is January 22, 2013 at noon. Candidate Packets can be picked up at the Seward County Clerk’s Office.