Road Work To Begin Near Hugoton

A resurfacing project that begins in Hugoton and ends at the south city limits of Ulysses could start as early as Thursday, May 7. The contractor, Venture Corporation of Great Bend, is moving its operations from Grant County to Hugoton due to the wet weather. The work on K-25 north of Ulysses will start later in the summer.

The project in Hugoton runs from the U.S. 56/K-51 junction through town on Main Street to the U.S. 56/K-25 junction north of Hugoton. The work will then proceed north on K-25 to Ulysses.

During construction, traffic will be limited to one lane through the work zone, guided by a pilot car. Drivers can expect delays of 15 minutes or less during daylight hours, Monday through Friday.

KDOT expects the work through Hugoton to be completed by May 18, depending on weather. The work on K-25 from Hugoton to Ulysses should be completed by the end of June. The combined projects have a contract cost of just over $5.2 million.

If you have questions on this project, you can call Greg Adams, Construction Engineer, at 620-624-445