Resurfacing project to begin along U.S. 160 in Clark/Meade counties

According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, traffic changes are scheduled to start March 17 along U.S. 160 in Meade and Clark counties from the U.S. 54/160 junction east to the U.S. 160/283 junction.

U.S. 160 traffic will be reduced to one lane in sections as crews work to resurface this 17.3-mile project area. Motorists should expect delays of up to 15 minutes as flaggers and a pilot car direct one-lane traffic through the work zone. The lane reduction will be marked by signs and cones. U.S. 160 will have a width restriction of 10 feet and length restriction of 75 feet during active construction. U.S. 160 will be open to normal traffic when construction is not taking place.

J &R Sand Company Inc., of Liberal, is the primary contractor on this $3.3 million project. Weather permitting, it is expected to be completed late this spring.

For more information, contact Joel (Simon) Valdez, Area Construction Manager, at (620) 417-7706 or Yazmin Moreno, KDOT Southwest Public Information Officer, at (620) 765-7080